Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8

Today I showed Mike Angles (apparaiser) around the vineyard in the morning. After that I came down to the greenhouse and picked up the remaining 247 or so little foam cutting propagation plugs. I took them to Herrin to get a box to send them to Hawaii in. I packed the plugs up in ziplocks and filled the box with some of the weird packing material from Fischer Scientific. I think it is supposed to keep things dry, but it is really flakey and kinda messy. I hope it wasn't the wrong thing. 

While I was in Herrin I noticed that not all of the requested chemicals had arrived yet Ca(NO3)2 jars were missing. 

I took the box over to Pam to see if she could help me send it. She filled out the FedEx tag so I wouldn't have to pay to send it. Unfortunately FedEx had already picked up from Gilbert for the day though. She also remembered that Alvaro (I think that's who it was...?) had a fisheye lens that was supposed to be sent out to Palmyra. So we called him up and he brought it over. we managed to fit it in the same box. Hopefully it doesn't get too dusty and the foam plugs don't get too crushed... Pam also let me know that the Calcium nitrate was missing because it was on back order and hadn't come yet. After that I rode my bike over to the FedEx store and dropped of the packaged so it could be sent out.

I was informed from many angles that the Perlite was being ordered and would soon come.

After all that I went to Y2E2 and ground up the leaf samples I picked yesterday in the Wiley Mill so I can Kjeldahl them tomorrow. I also recorded the dry weights of all the wet samples I took yesterday along with the KCl soils.

I also changed the 2M NaCl solution for the soaking resin bags so I can do those tomorrow too if I have time between the Kjeldahls. I brought 18 more 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks over from Herrin too.

I talked to Rodolfo today briefly as well. He hasn't been getting responses from Thelma either, so it's probably not all my fault that she hasn't come in. 

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