Thursday, October 18, 2012

Passiflora 'Susan Brigham' a Tacsonia hybrid
Passiflora 'Susan Brigham'
This plant is on on the balcony next to my bedroom door. the first flower opened yesterday. I bought it under the ame 'Susan Brigham', which is listed by in Passiflora: Passionflowers of the world as P. tripartita var. mollissima x P. mixta.

This flower seems a bit bright and possibly a bit small to be the offspring of mollissima and mixta and it also has more developed filaments than either parent...perhaps there is P. insignis (which has brightly-colored, reflexted flowers with filaments) influence.

pink pendant Passiflora tripartita var mollissima flowers
Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima - from

Passiflora mixta - from

Passiflora insignis - from Yero Kuethe on flickr

To complicate things further, on the downstairs balcony I'd planted what I thought was a Passiflora 'Gloria Moreno' but the flowers are nearly identical to this alleged 'Susan Brigham'.
Passiflora x allardii - a hybrid of Passiflora caerulea and Passiflora quadrangularis
Passiflora x allardii
I bought two Passiflora x allardii vines (P. quadrangularis x P. cearulea 'Constance Elliot') today to grow along the wall on the downstairs balcony with a Jasminum polyanthum. The P. x allardii has beautiful flowers that are easier to admire than the P. x decaisneana 'Purple Tiger' since they are not so pendant. They also have a nice scent. However the Jasmine masks it with its much stronger perfume.

Today two female Anna's hummingbirds came to the balcony and one male. The females flew together and chattered as they fed. The male visited several times alone. His was very beautiful - stunning red/maroon gorget and dark green feathers.

I set up two lattice panels for the P. 'Mission Dolores' and P. parritae to climb from the downstairs balcony to the upstairs.

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