Monday, July 7, 2008

Ok so I've missed blogging about a few days of work, but I feel like those days have been reasonably well-documented through email and I don't want to get more behind so I'll just write up today now.

Started in the greenhouse, discovered that the Large perlite had still not come in as far as anyone could tell. It was "put up on the board to be ordered" but since last week was 4th of July the Friday order might not have happened?

Both Hillary and I emailed Pam and the new Calcium nitrate and Potassium phosphate came in today. I opened the boxes in the lab in Herrin.

Today I used the new sand sampling protocol (take from a ring about an inch in from the perimeter of the pot and about 2cm below the surface) to collect sand from the test pots for more KCl and P resins. This of course means that each round will only have 9 samples though. 

I also collected leaves from all the test plants that could handle to lose any. I'm drying these and I'll Kjeldahl the samples sometime this week.

I am almost done with the KCl from today's work. Tomorrow I have to show Mike Angles (appraiser) around the vineyard, so I won't have time to do Kjeldahls tomorrow, but at least I can get the P resins started. 

Today I also took some good weighing boats out to the greenhouse (badly needed). Tomorrow I need to remember to bring out an un-bent scupula and something clean to mix the solutions with.

I'm going to try to make small test samples of all the nutrient concentrations we want, but this time including micronutrients. I'll have to use DI water or there is no hope of dissolving all the necessary salts, in any case we'll see how it works. 

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